Launched in June of this year, the Google Earth Outreach program helps nonprofit organizations display their information in an engaging, geospatial environment. Our showcase highlights some of the fascinating and innovative KMLs being created by individuals and organizations working for the greater good.
So let's say you want your KML featured in the Outreach Showcase. How do you do it?
Well, first off, it's probably a good idea (and fun to do!) to explore the showcase, taking encouragement from the fact that many of these creators knew little about KML (Keyhole Markup Language). If you have an idea of what you want to do, but are unsure how to go about it, you can check out our tutorials. When you're happy with your final result, submit your KML for consideration, and you just may have people worldwide learn more about your organization. We welcome and encourage submissions from individuals and organizations worldwide.
The showcase is organized into six categories and highlights the breadth of work being undertaken with Google Earth. Some of my favourite KML examples are:
'The Edge of Existence," which illustrates the need to protect and conserve endangered wildlife; an animation showing the spread of avian influenza; Australia's National Pollutant Inventory; elephant poaching in Zakouma National Park; and the layers included in the Global Awareness folder in Google Earth (like this World Wildlife Fund layer), which is where you'll find Outreach partner content.
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