Great job figuring out the answers to all the clues, I am always impressed at how people scattered all across the globe team up to solve these riddles.
1) I don't mean to "flatter," but this remote Northwestern cape is very beautiful.
- Cape Flattery, WA
2) You can now explore the ruins of this ancient Mayan city, first discovered in 1934.
- Becan, Mexico (it's a little cloudy, but you can still see plenty of ruins)
3) This small Peruvian village attracts many tourists each year for the Incan ruins atop nearby hills.
- Pisac, Peru
4) This city claims to be the southernmost city in the world, with approximately 64,000 residents.
- Ushuaia, Agentina
5) Home of the Russian Pacific Fleet, this city is also Russia's largest Pacific coast harbor.
- Vladivostock, Russia
6) Named after Saint Irene, though sometimes referred to as Thera, this island is a popular Greek tourist destination.
- Santorini, Greece
7) The Trojan horse from the 2004 movie Troy is visible in this city.
- Çanakkale, Turkey
8) This city is the second most populated metropolitan area in Africa, second to Cairo.
- Lagos, Nigeria
9) For better or for worse, the testing done at this site changed the world forever. In 1965 it was declared a U.S. National Historic Landmark.
- Trinity Site, White Sands Missile Range - New Mexico
10) Odessos was the original name of this large city, then a trading colony.
- Varna, Bulgaria
11) This was the first port on the Shandong peninsula to be opened to the west in the 1800s.
- Penglai City, China
Remember, this was only a small sampling, there's lots of new imagery out there to discover.
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